destruction of subject matter

The Defendant was discharged from performing, and his failure to perform was not a breach of the contract. When a contract's rights and responsibilities are no longer valid, it is said to be discharged or terminated. Destruction of subject matter This is an example of an event that is unforeseen from CONTRACT BSBLEG415 at National Business Institute Inc. Required fields are marked *. Death or insanity of either party. Exclusion of Consequential Damages EXCEPT FOR BREACHES IN SECTION 2 ACCESS; USE; OWNERSHIP; RESTRICTIONS BY CUSTOMER, SECTION 5 CONFIDENTIALITY BY EITHER PARTY OR SECTION 7 INDEMNIFICATION BY EITHER PARTY, IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY AND/OR ITS AFFILIATES BE LIABLE TO ANYONE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR TORT, FOR ANY INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES OF ANY TYPE OR KIND (INCLUDING LOSS OF DATA, REVENUE, PROFITS, USE OR OTHER ECONOMIC ADVANTAGE) ARISING OUT OF, OR IN ANY WAY RELATED THE SERVICES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE SERVICE, OR FOR ANY CONTENT OBTAINED FROM OR THROUGH THE SERVICE, ANY INTERRUPTION, INACCURACY, ERROR OR OMISSION, REGARDLESS OF CAUSE EVEN IF A PARTY OR ITS AFFILIATE HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Destruction of Subject Matter Essential to the Offer. University of Perpetual Help System DALTA - Las Pias. St. Rep. 186; 6 L. R. A. Just over a week ago, after 20 years of bombing and almost $3 trillion in expenditure, the American invasion of Afghanistan ended in ignominy, defeat and withdrawal. Destruction of the subject matter. Destruction of subject matter. 1. Krell. Such lease is not discharged by the destruction of the building leased, in the absence of some specific provision therefor, or of some positive statute. 566; 6 X. E. 742; Dexter v. Norton, 47 N. Y. Dec. 443; Womack v. Mc-Quarry, 28 Ind. Related to Destruction or Unavailability of the Subject Matter or Tangible. Overview of Destruction of Subject Matter A contract is an agreement or a set of obligations that are to be fulfilled by the parties to the contract. Tamimi was placed on the FBI's "most wanted terrorist" list, the subject of a reward of up to $5 million. 6. If the object that is the subject of the offer gets destroyed before the other party accepts it, the offer becomes invalid, or it expires. Dec. 373; Tompkins v. Dudley, 25 N. Y. FMFS shall indemnify and hold the Trust harmless from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, expenses, and liabilities (whether with or without basis in fact or law) of any and every nature (including reasonable attorneys' fees) which the Trust may sustain or incur or which may be asserted against the Trust by any person arising out of any action taken or omitted to be taken by FMFS as a result of FMFS's refusal or failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement, its bad faith, negligence, or willful misconduct. The first motion, titled Second Motion to Dismiss for Destruction of Subject Matter Jurisdiction or, Alternatively, to Stay Proceedings and Disqualify Bar Counsel was denied in an order dated April 14, 2016. Dec. 578. If any such Reference Bank should be unwilling or unable to act as such or if the Securities Administrator should terminate its appointment as Reference Bank, the Securities Administrator shall promptly appoint or cause to be appointed another Reference Bank (after consultation with the Depositor). The offer is still valid if it has not: Been terminated by operation of law due to: 1. 103; 92 Am. Introduction to Property: Personal Property and Fixtures, Importance of the Distinction between Real and Personal Property. The offeree must, however, accept the offer on the offerors terms. 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Federal Election Commission, Administrative Agencies: Their Structure and Powers, Administrative Burdens on Business Operations, Access to Business Information in Government Files, American Textile Manufacturers Institute v. Donovan, Theft: Larceny, Robbery, Embezzlement, False Pretenses, Offenses against Habitation and Other Offenses, Violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Violations of the Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, Excuses That Limit or Overcome Responsibility, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, Intentional Interference with Contractual Relations, Causation: Actual Cause and Proximate Cause, Historical Basis of Strict Liability: Animals and Ultrahazardous Activities, Statutory Law: The Uniform Commercial Code, The Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Terminology: Suffixes Expressing Relationships, Mutuality of Contract: Unilateral Contract, Unilateral Contract and At-Will Employment, Destruction of Subject Matter Essential to the Offer, Statement Made False by Subsequent Events, Material Effect on the Agreed-to Exchange of Performance, Party Seeking Relief Does Not Bear the Risk of the Mistake, Persons Who Are Mentally Ill or Intoxicated, Misrepresentation by Assertions of Opinion, Applications of the Legal Sufficiency Doctrine, Threat of Litigation: Covenant Not to Sue, Promises Enforceable without Consideration, Promises Enforceable without Consideration at Common Law, Promise Revived after Statute of Limitations Has Passed, Promises Enforceable without Consideration by Statute, Consideration: Required for Contract Modification, Types of Bargains Made Illegal by Statute, Types of Bargains Made Illegal by Common Law, Obstructing the Administration of Justice or Violating a Public Duty, Extension of Statutory Illegality Based on Public Policy, Unlicensed Practitioner Cannot Collect Fee, Types of Contracts Required in Writing and the Exceptions, Contracts Affecting an Interest in Real Estate, The Payment or Delivery and Acceptance Exception, Effect of Noncompliance and Exceptions; Oral Rescission, Contracts Subject to a Condition Precedent, Interpretation of Agreements: Practicalities versus Legalities, The General Problem and the Purpose of Contractual Interpretation, The Statute of Frauds Main Purpose Doctrine, The Parol Evidence Rule: Postcontract Modification, Assignment Forbidden by Statute or Public Policy, Third party Beneficiaries and Foreseeable Damages, Discharge by Performance (or Nonperformance) of the Duty, Anticipatory Breach and Demand for Reasonable Assurances, Conditions Classified Based on How They Are Created, Conditions Classified Based on Their Effect on Duty to Perform, Discharge When Performance Becomes Impossible or Very Difficult, Death or Incapacity of a Personal Services Contractor, Destruction or Deterioration of a Thing Necessary for Performance, Performance Prohibited by Government Regulation or Order, Substantial Performance; Conditions Precedent, Waiver of Contract Rights; Nonwaiver Provisions, Parties Have the Powerbut Not the Rightto Breach, Promisees Interests Protected by Contract, Agreement of the Parties Limiting Remedies, Limitation on Damages: Mitigation of Damages, Introduction: Why Products-Liability Law Is Important, Exclusion of Implied Warranties in General, Conflict between Express and Implied Warranties, The Magnuson-Moss Act and Phantom Warranties, Contributory Negligence, Comparative Negligence, and Assumption of Risk, Typical Negligence Claims: Design Defects and Inadequate Warnings, Reaches the User without Change in Condition, Liability Despite Exercise of All Due Care, Implied Warranty of Merchantability and the Requirement of a Sale, 402 A. the Code changes the common law rule by saying that a timely, creates a contract even if it includes terms that, terms on points the offer did not address, Access to our library of course-specific study resources, Up to 40 questions to ask our expert tutors, Unlimited access to our textbook solutions and explanations. As was the case with the lease of land, which, after the unfortunate partition, left the contested property to the Gujranwala side of Pakistan, the performance became unlikely. 28; Dexter v. Norton, 47 N. Y. Both parties must agree on the principal elements. Frustration includes unforeseen events, events not within the scope of control of human, or impossible events. Here, it was not used in the sense of physical or abstract impossibility. 6-102. Destruction of the subject-matter of the contract of sale, or any other contract, renders the contract frustrated, and thus, impossible to perform. Frustration means an act due to which the execution of the contract becomes impossible. NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS. Prior to making a determination that the Applicant has failed to comply in any material respect with the terms of this Agreement or to meet any material obligation under this Agreement, the District shall provide the Applicant with a written notice of the facts which it believes have caused the breach of this Agreement, and if cure is possible, the cure proposed by the District. Until all of the LIBOR Certificates are paid in full, the Securities Administrator will at all times retain at least four Reference Banks for the purpose of determining LIBOR with respect to each LIBOR Determination Date. offeror had impliedly accepted the offerees counteroffer and was bound by its terms. destruction of subject matter in Chinese : . Co. v. Ins. (a) Termination by the employer on disciplinary grounds and constructive dismissal (b) Termination by the employer on non-disciplinary grounds, (eg. They are of the opinion that the word frustration does not particularly connote impossibility (of performing the contract) but rather the degree of difficulty of such performance. If only part of the goods agreed to be sold perish, the contract becomes void if it is indivisible. service. related to destruction of subject matter essential to the offer. 9 Wilson v. Wilson, 36 Cal. Dec. 194. Loss, Theft, Destruction of Warrants Upon receipt of evidence satisfactory to the Issuer of the ownership of and the loss, theft, destruction or mutilation of any Warrant and, in the case of any such loss, theft or destruction, upon receipt of indemnity or security satisfactory to the Issuer or, in the case of any such mutilation, upon surrender and cancellation of such Warrant, the Issuer will make and deliver, in lieu of such lost, stolen, destroyed or mutilated Warrant, a new Warrant of like tenor and representing the right to purchase the same number of shares of Common Stock. Acceptance of extended offer: Once the offer is complete, the offeree has the option of accepting or rejecting the proposal and its terms and conditions. Disclaimer of Consequential Damages IN NO EVENT WILL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE FOR, AND EACH PARTY HEREBY WAIVES AND RELEASES ANY AND ALL CLAIMS AGAINST THE OTHER PARTY FROM, ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, COLLATERAL, EXEMPLARY OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION DAMAGES DUE TO BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOST REVENUES, LOST PROFIT, LOSS OF PROSPECTIVE ECONOMIC ADVANTAGE OR GOODWILL, ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT, REGARDLESS OF THE TYPE OF CLAIM OF THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHER LEGAL OR EQUITABLY THEORY, AND REGARDLESS OF THE CAUSE OF SUCH DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF DATA) AND EVEN IF SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLE. Premises Building Partial Damage means if the Building of which the Premises are a part is damaged or destroyed to the extent that the cost to repair is less than fifty percent (50%) of the then Replacement Cost of the building. Special Liability of Seller of Product for Physical Harm to User or Consumer, Computer Downloads and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Property Insurance, Liability Insurance, and Life Insurance, Relationships between Principal and Agent, Introduction to Agency and the Types of Agents. PROVISIONS SURVIVING EXPIRATION OR TERMINATION Notwithstanding the expiration or termination (by agreement, breach, or operation of time) of this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement regarding payments (including liquidated damages and tax payments), reports, records, and dispute resolution of the Agreement shall survive the termination or expiration dates of this Agreement until the following occurs: Performance of Service; Limitation of Liability A. FMFS shall exercise reasonable care in the performance of its duties under this Agreement. 09/16/2020. Pages 5. Rep. 162; 8 So. Choose a delete action Empty this pageRemove this page and its subpages. Businesses cannot afford a manufacturer or another firm they have contracted to perform to fail. (N. The doctrine of frustration is based on the legal maximlex non cogit ad impossibilia,which means that law does not compel what is impossible. Crazy Cannibal Carl accepts your contract and signs it. The execution of a contract entails carrying out the promises made by the promisor, and the agreement automatically terminates when the parties fulfill their obligations. Destruction of Subject Matter. Loss or Damage means any loss or damage to the Vehicle, including that caused by theft of the Vehicle or by adverse weather events, that requires repair or replacement including the loss of use of the Vehicle (demurrage), legal expenses, assessment fees, towing and recovery costs, storage, service charges and any appraisal fees of the Vehicle; Material Damage and Materially Damaged means damage which, in Sellers reasonable estimation, exceeds $500,000.00 to repair or which, in Sellers reasonable estimation, will take longer than ninety (90) days to repair. Rep. 415; Powell v. II. Y.) The mutual consent of the parties: Another prerequisite to a legally binding contract. The commodities or services for which the parties have negotiated, with one party giving the goods or services in return for something else, are the "subject matter" of a contract. 331; Commercial Fire Ins. 62; 7 Am. Thus, if an agent is asked to sell a house, and the house is destroyed by fire, there is a cessation of the agency. 6-104. The Courts of the United States refer to what is said to be an identical rule, as the Doctrine of Impossibility of Performance, or of Supervening Impossibility of Performance.[5]. Destruction means physical destruction or removal of personal identifiers from information so that the information is no longer personally identifiable. If Landlord determines that repairs can be completed within ninety (90) days, this Lease shall remain in full force and effect, except that if such damage is not the result of the negligence or willful misconduct of Tenant or Tenant's agents, employees, contractors, licensees or invitees, the Base Rent shall be abated to the extent Tenant's use of the Premises is impaired, commencing with the date of damage and continuing until completion of the repairs required of Landlord under Section 19d. Destruction of subject matter: where the subject matter of the contract subsequent to its formation is destroyed without any fault of the parties, the contract is void and it gets discharge. In reality, the impossibility of performance and frustration are often synonymous expressions. n d The offer is merely delayed under the Hardship Rule 22. Ltd.,[9] the case concerned the lawsuit for the precise performance of the agreement for the purchase of a flat in a building on a plot of land leased by the municipality. Why Is Agency Law Important, and What Is an Agent? THE PROTECTION OR LIMITATION AGAINST LIABILITY AFFORDED BY THIS SECTION 14(L) SHALL APPLY REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE DAMAGES ARE SOUGHT IN CONTRACT, TORT, STATUTE OR OTHERWISE, AND IRRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER SOLE, CONCURRENT OR OTHER NEGLIGENCE (ACTIVE OR PASSIVE) OR STRICT LIABILITY IF INVOLVED OR IS ASSERTED, AND NOTWITHSTANDING THE FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY. 4 Alexander v. Dorsey, 12 Ga. 12; 56 Am. Destruction of Subject Matter Definition The commodities or services the parties have negotiated are a contract's "subject matter." The offer immediately expires if the offer's specified subject matter becomes impossible to deliver before it is accepted. [10] AVTAR SINGH, CONTRACT & SPECIFIC RELIEF (12th ed., 2018). Unfortunately, his crops wilted due to extreme temperatures. Content is out of sync. This was held to discharge the liability of the owner of the stallion.17 The owner of the stallion was not bound to return the service fee as for failure of consideration.18 A covenant in an insurance contract requiring a surrender of the policy in order to change the beneficiary is held to be discharged if the policy is stolen without the fault of the owner19 or the beneficiary refuses to return the former certificate.20. Total views 77. The contract becomes void since the hall, being the subject matter of the contract, is now destroyed. The Securities Administrator initially shall designate the Reference Banks (after consultation with the Depositor). Offerees have the option of accepting offers via mail, email, or orally. Failure of the ultimate purpose of the contract. The Interest Rate for each Class of LIBOR Certificates for each Interest Accrual Period shall be determined by the Securities Administrator on each LIBOR Determination Date so long as the LIBOR Certificates are outstanding on the basis of LIBOR and the respective formulae appearing in footnotes corresponding to the LIBOR Certificates in the table relating to the Certificates in the Preliminary Statement. If a dispute arose before the parties started to perform, a court applying the mirror image rule would hold, that the parties did not have a contract. 1 : Issue 2 BNWJ-0820-029, Jurispedia Vol. 10 Voght v. Hecker, 118 Wis. 306; 95 N. W. 90. On the cancellation of the event, Henry refused to pay Krell the balance of the rent. Destruction of something essential to the contract also terminates the offer. Dec. 371; Adams v. Nichols, 19 Pick. ffer ndsuly f Read more, Introduction: Agreements assume a significant part in our regular day-to-day existence going from protection approaches to work contracts. 6-105. Loss does not include a partys legal fees and out-of-pocket expenses referred to under Section 11. Any attempt by the offeree to materially alter the terms of the offer is treated as a counteroffer and terminates the offer, The Uniform Commercial Code has created an exception to this mirror image rule in cases where contracts for the sale of goods are, made by exchanging forms. The term force majeure has been described in the Blacks Law Dictionary as an occurrence or impact that cannot be expected or regulated. An offer and an acceptance are two critical parts of a contract, as is the capacity to contract, or contracting parties being of legal age and mutually consenting, or agreement on the contract's terms, and "consideration," or pay for goods or services delivered. Substantial damage means damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before damaged condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred. For example, a dog owner offers to sell his dog to B, but the animal dies before B accepts the offer, then the offer expires. Additional filters are available in search. The criminal offence of attempting to pervert the course of justice was created to punish conduct which impairs the capacity of courts to perform the role for which they exist. The commodities or services the parties have negotiated are a contract's "subject matter." The Plaintiff being subject to the like obligation, . Each Reference Bank shall be a leading bank engaged in transactions in Eurodollar deposits in the international Eurocurrency market, shall not control, be controlled by, or be under common control with, the Securities Administrator and shall have an established place of business in London. If such repairs cannot be made within said sixty (60) days, Lessor, at his option, may make the same within a reasonable time, this lease continuing in effect with the rent proportionately abated as aforesaid, and in the event that Lessor shall not elect to make such repairs which cannot be made within sixty (60) days, this lease may be terminated at the option of either party. The offeree may indicate assent expressly or impliedly. One of the most common methods to discharge a contract is to perform it. Liability for Noncompliance. versttning med sammanhang av "subject to destruction due" i engelska-polska frn Reverso Context: The metal furnace is not subject to destruction due to long downtime, is not afraid of dampness, it can be moved and transported. After receipt of the notice, the Applicant shall be given ninety (90) days to present any facts or arguments to the Board of Trustees showing that it is not in breach of its obligations under this Agreement, or that it has cured or undertaken to cure any such breach. Destruction of Subject-Matter: When the subject-matter in respect of which agency was created has been destroyed, the agency is terminated. Advent Corporation Pvt. 1 Taylor v. Caldwell, 3 Best & S. 826; Siegel v. Eaton, etc., Co.. 165 111. Obligations of Buyer. So, if, Johnson Farms has offered to sell its wheat crop to a buyer for Iraq but two days later, before Johnsons offer has been accepted, Congress. [4] Abhishek Arya & Arvind Thapliyal, Doctrine of Frustration, MONDAQ (29 June, 2015),or%20unlawful%20will%20become%20void, [5] The Doctrine of Frustration as Applied to Contracts,, [6] Poorvi Sanjanwala & Kashmira Bakliwal, Force Majeure and Frustration of Contract in the Light of Covid-19, MONDAQ (16 May 2020), Once the court has found that one of the parties made an, the next thing it looks for in order to determine whether a contract, to contract on the part of the offeree that it. Furthermore, in situations where the contract does not have a clear force majeure clause, there may be situations in which the parties may seek protection under Section 56 of the Contract Act and seek the frustration of a contract. It is a legal principle which states that the law does not compel the impossible. This provision is based on the ground of supervening impossibility of per- formance which makes a contract void. Consideration: A valid contract necessitates consideration. The UCC provides that a merchant is bound to keep a written offer open for a stated period but no longer . [11] Howell v. Couplan (1876) 1 QBD 258 (CA). It was included in the Roman contract law and excluded innocent parties who had no control over the circumstance which destroyed an object or thing. b. Non-existence or non-occurrence of particular state of things: contract is entered into or between two parties on the basis of continued existence or . Transcribed image text: 21. Section 56 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 deals with the Doctrine of Frustration. 13 Central Lithographing Co. v. Moore. 1 : Issue 3 BNWJ-0920-099, Jurispedia Vol. DESTRUCTION OF PREMISES In the event of a partial destruction of the premises during the term hereof, from any cause, Lessor shall forthwith repair the same, provided that such repairs can be made within sixty (60) days under existing governmental laws and regulations, but such partial destruction shall not terminate this lease, except that Lessee shall be entitled to a proportionate reduction of rent while such repairs are being made, based upon the extent to which the making of such repairs shall interfere with the business of Lessee on the premises. The Securities Administrator shall not have any liability or responsibility to any Person for its inability, following a good-faith reasonable effort, to obtain quotations from the Reference Banks or to determine the arithmetic mean referred to in the definition of LIBOR, all as provided for in this Section 4.04 and the definition of LIBOR. CBAA. Most comprehensive library of legal defined terms on your mobile device, All contents of the excluding publicly sourced documents are Copyright 2013-, Certain Rules Relating to the Payment of Additional Amounts, PROVISIONS SURVIVING EXPIRATION OR TERMINATION, Performance of Service; Limitation of Liability, Effect of Expiration or Termination; Survival, Certain Matters Relating to the Determination of LIBOR, DETERMINATION OF BREACH AND TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT, Indemnification Related to Confidentiality of Materials, INDEMNIFICATION RELATING TO THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. Death or incapacity for personal services. Any expiration or termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to the rights of either Party against the other accrued or accruing under this Agreement prior to expiration or termination, including without limitation the obligation to pay royalties for Product(s) or Collaboration Compound(s) sold prior to such expiration or termination. Structural damage means a covered building, regardless of the date of its construction, has experienced the following: Theft means robbery, burglary or hold-up, occurring with or without violence or the threat of violence. New page type Book TopicInteractive Learning Content, Textbooks for Primary Schools (English Language), Textbooks for Secondary Schools (English Language), Creative Commons-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, Legal Positivism: Law as Sovereign Command, The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America, Basic Concepts and Categories of US Positive Law, Law: The Moral Minimums in a Democratic Society, The Common Law: Property, Torts, and Contracts, Delegating Legislative Powers: Rules by Administrative Agencies, State Statutes and Agencies: Other Codified Law, The Constitution as Preemptive Force in US Law, Treaties as Statutes: The Last in Time Rule, Comparing Common-Law Systems with Other Legal Systems, Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics. 527; Knight v. Bean, 22 Me. Under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), the software is a: good. 9Cutcliff v. McAnally, 88 Ala. 507; 7 So. The theory of frustration finds a basis in Lex non-cognit ad impossibilia. In case of force majeure, parties to the contract identify an exhaustive list of events that may happen prior to the formation of the contract. St. Rep. 654; 12 L. R. A. Jurispedia Vol. A party may (but need not) determine its Loss by reference to quotations of relevant rates or prices from one or more leading dealers in the relevant markets. Law of Contracts Significance of Destruction of Subject-Matter before Contract of Sales is Formed. Effect of Expiration or Termination; Survival Expiration or termination of the Agreement shall not relieve the Parties of any obligation accruing prior to such expiration or termination. The first service proved fruitless and return was demanded during the season. Materially Damaged means damage which, in Sellers reasonable estimation, exceeds $500,000.00 to repair or which, in Sellers reasonable estimation, will take longer than ninety (90) days to repair. SUBJECT MATTER AND DEFINITIONS; PART 1. Damage or Partial Destruction of the Subject Matter of the Lease. July 31, 2022 Sections 7 and 8 of the Sale of Goods Act 1930 deal with the effect of perishing of goods on the rights and obligations of the parties to a contract of sale. Loss includes losses and costs (or gains) in respect of any payment or delivery required to have been made (assuming satisfaction of each applicable condition precedent) on or before the relevant Early Termination Date and not made, except, so as to avoid duplication, if Section 6(e)(i)(1) or (3) or 6(e)(ii)(2)(A) applies. Law due to extreme temperatures contracted to perform was not a breach of the goods agreed to sold. Why is agency law Important, and What is an example of an event that is from. One of the goods agreed to be discharged or terminated SINGH, contract SPECIFIC. Securities Administrator initially shall designate the Reference Banks ( after consultation with the of. 742 ; Dexter v. Norton, 47 N. 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